Our aim is for children to leave our care as truly analytical global citizens, highly competent literate and numerate individuals, with a passion for lifelong learning.

Teachers at Kerridale, challenge children daily in their learning and thinking through a broad-based curriculum woven into an Activity Based Curriculum provision derived from our mission and vision, which is driven by the Chinese proverb ‘I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand.’ This requires our teachers to be highly competent in a large number of teaching, instructing, learning tools and techniques; such as: High order thinking, Differentiation, Think-Pair-Share, learning styles, etc. giving them the ability to adapt their teaching to the needs of each child as an individual, whether that pupil is demonstrating achievement above or below the expected average for their age. Read more about this on the curriculum page.

Additional Scaffolding through one-on-one support is provided for any child struggling with concepts, subjects or any other thing.

  • Definition of learning
    Developing life-long learners is a long-term journey that starts with good habits!
    At Kerridale Preparatory School learning is defined as follows:
    Learning occurs when…
        1. Knowledge is acquired.
        2. Skills are developed.
        3. Understanding gained is applied to everyday life.


  • Demonstrating Learning
    At KPS learning is built upon learning, starting from the known to the unknown. Our learning is developed and demonstrated by:
    • Transfer and apply learning and skills to new situations.
    • Investigate to extend our learning.
    • Form new ideas from previous knowledge.
    • Communicate our learning effectively.
    • Make connections across our learning.
    • Critically reflect upon our learning.
    • Use learning to support personal growth in attitudes or dispositions.