Admission Policy
KPS’ admission policy provides information on our admission process and class placement. KPS follows a strict rule on placing children in a class based on their age. Children will not be placed in higher age groups based on above average performance in particular academic area. All KPS teachers are skilled in differentiated instruction therefore every pupil is given an appropriate level of challenge.
September is our main intake month because it is the beginning of the academic year. However, for the children under 4 years of age, we do enroll after September, after consultation with the school.
Admission Procedure
- An enrolment form should be completed and returned to the school within 7 days. Upon receiving the form an appointment would be booked. Children that want a place in the Lower Nursery group and above, would be formally tested.
- An offer would be made based on the outcome of the interview and test.
- Acceptance of the offer should be made by paying the necessary fees, and provide the following documents:
- Child’s Birth Certificate.
- Immunization Certificate (Record).
- Child’s recent school report (If the child has attended school before).
Mid Year Enrolment:
At KPS the academic year starts in September, however sometimes we have mid-year enrolments, because of situations like transfers and relocations.
- There will be no reduction in fees if a child joins in the middle of the academic year or term.
Withdrawal From School:
- 1-month’s notice is needed by the school to prepare the necessary transfer documents.
- Fees will not be refunded for any incomplete part of a term.
- Children leaving temporarily during the school year will not necessarily be guaranteed a place at the school on their return unless the fees are paid for the period of absence.
- Children are placed in classes strictly according to their age on August 30th. See below for a guide to the year groups by age.
- In exceptional circumstances, due to special learning support requirements, a student may be placed in a younger age group.
- Parents of Lower Nursery pupils (3 Years Old) should please note that children must be fully toilet trained and able to use the toilet independently for them to be accepted into this group. Students who are not yet independent will be asked to remain at home until they are ready.
- The maximum class size is 15.
Age By 30th August | Kerridale Class | UK Equivalent | US Equivalent |
Under 2 Years | Early Bloomers | Pre-Nursery | Pre-School |
2 – 3 | Explorer | Foundation | Pre-School |
3 – 4 | Lower Nursery | Foundation | Pre-School |
4 – 5 | Upper Nursery | Reception | Pre-School |
5 – 6 | Year 1 | Year 1 | Kindergarten |
6 – 7 | Year 2 | Year 2 | Grade 1 |
7 – 8 | Year 3 | Year 3 | Grade 2 |
8 – 9 | Year 4 | Year 4 | Grade 3 |
9 -10 | Year 5 | Year 5 | Grade 4 |
10 -11 | Year 6 | Year 6 | Grade 5 |
Intake Priority
Priority for places will be given to children who already have siblings in the school first.
Priority would then be given next to families on the wait list for their desired class.
Who to Contact
Please contact our Administrator at with any questions or requests for information about entry to the school.
Communication Policy
At Kerridale Preparatory school we strive to provide a safe and secure environment where Pupils, teachers and parents can participate and enjoy school life. We believe that positive relationships and strong partnerships between school and parents, promote school spirit and an effective and supportive learning environment for all Pupils. We encourage parents to be actively involved in their children’s education and in the school generally. For this reason, we place great importance on the establishment and the maintenance of effective channels of communication.
To achieve effective and open communication channels all members of the school community will be required to conduct themselves in a lawful, ethical, safe and responsible manner that recognises and respects the rights of all (Pupil, Staff & Parents).
KPS Modes of communication
Letters, Emails, SMS messaging, Telephone calls, Social networking (Whatsapp), written reports, School website, Notice Boards, Newsletters, Student Diaries and Home school communication.
Social networking (Whatsapp)
KPS is introducing a WhatsApp Messaging Service into the school as a communication tool. This service is available to all parents whereby a WhatsApp group will be setup by each class teacher to aid communication. This service is created to ensure effective, timely and professional platform for communication between Parents and Teachers. In order to ensure messages are polite, professional and within the context of a school setting, below are some guiding rules on what is or is not allowed.
Messages with this service should be brief and to the point. In accordance with both lawful and ethical standards, electronic communication via this service should not be used to:
- Abuse, defame, harass or discriminate (by virtue of sex, race, religion, or other)
- Injure the reputation of the school or in a manner that may cause embarrassment
- Bring the reputation of the school into disrepute
- Advertise good or services of any kind
- Download, store, create, send or print files or messages that are deemed to be profane, obscene, or that use language that offends or tends to degrade others
- Disclose personal and/or confidential information
- Spam or mass messages or to send chain messages.
- All WhatsApp messages will only be looked at between the hours of 2:30PM & 7:00PM.
Please note that this platform should be used for professional educational matters only and in order for this service to be successful; we refrain from posting jokes, spam messages and religious content.
Please note, not sticking to our guiding rules, could result in your number being barred, from your child’s WhatsApp group.
The schools email system will be used regularly to send important information to parents: weekly newsletters, calendars or reminders. Parents are to also ensure that their email addresses are updated with the school’s admin office.
KPS School App
Kerridale School App is another vehicle for communicating with the school community. This app can be downloaded from your devices App Store.
SMS Messaging
The school will from time to time use the SMS messaging service to communicate information or remind families of an event, such as the closure days. Parent should ensure that their telephone numbers are updated regularly and the school is notified of any changes.
Telephone calls
During school hours, all phone calls must be made to the admin office. Please note that teachers are not allowed phone calls during learning time. If you need to speak with a teacher, a message should be left with the admin officer.
School Website
The school website provides up to date information about the school, its programs and achievements. The website is revised on a regular basis.
School Noticeboard
The school noticeboard stand is situated at the entrance of the school’s gate and contains spare copies of the weekly newsletter and other relevant information for parents to access.
KPS Newsletter
The school newsletter is distributed on a weekly basis. The newsletter contains reports on school activities, dates to diaries, ideas and achievements and other information on school life. Reading the school newsletter will ensure that parents are up to date on school happenings. The newsletters are sent out to parents weekly either via email or Printed form.
Student Diaries
Every student is given a student diary at the start of each school year. This is used by Pupils to assist in developing organisational skills, and by teachers and parents for essential brief messages/feedback. Pupils need to have their diary at school each day.
Attached to this Policy is an agreement which should be filled, signed by both Parents/Guardians and returned back to the school.
——————–Cut Here Complete and Return to Class Teacher———————–
I/We _________________________________________________________ Parent(s) of_________________________________________ (full name of child), Class _________ accept the principles of KPS Communication Policy and will apply them in my /our dealings with the School.
NAME AND SIGNATURE (of each parent)
Relationship to child: _________________________________________________
Signature 1: __________________ Signature 2: _____________________
Date: ___________________ Date: ___________________
Behaviour Management Policy
KERRIDALE aims to help children develop and grow in a happy, relaxed and enjoyable environment. Staff are a good role model for children showing good behaviour and drawing attention to friendliness, care and courtesy.
Positive and good behaviour from children is encouraged and always praised by the staff.
- At KPS our main behavioural management tools are ‘Good To Be Green’ , House System and reward points, and the school’ 22 Values.
- Physical punishment such as smacking, threatening or shaking is never used at school. Children are treated as individuals and are encouraged in their play to respect each other always.
- Any form of bullying is not accepted at school, whether it is physical, Emotional, harassment or name calling.
- If a child bullies another child, KPS staff will:
- Intervene immediately and remove the children from the situation.
- Explain to the bullying child why his/her behaviour is unacceptable during a time out session.
- Encourage the child to play in another area
- If they have hurt another child, make sure the incident is reported to the academic head and recorded in the accident book.
- Give reassurance to the child that has been bullied.
- Discuss unacceptable behaviour with parents and work out a plan to encourage and adopt more desirable behaviour
- Because we are aware that children just growing teeth can bite, when such incident occurs, the bitten child will be taken care off. The child that bites will be given “time-out” and encouraged to stop biting. The child would also be closely m0nitored and parent would be informed. A record of the incident would be recorded in the accident and incident book.
Kerridale has levels of unacceptable behaviour and sanctions associated, parents are always informed when a child’s behaviour becomes a true cause for concern.
Policy Written Date – September 2018
Policy Revision Date – September 2028
Policy Written by – Lara Orike Reviewed By – Kerry Ogedegbe
Complaint Policy & Procedure
We welcome any suggestions on how to improve our school and will take any concerns about the running of the school seriously. It is anticipated that most concerns will be resolved in a quick and informal manner to the appropriate member of staff. If the complaint is not resolved and you are unhappy, please follow the following procedures.
Complaint Procedure
- Stage One
In the first instance, parents/guardians are encouraged to speak directly to the relevant member of staff, if deemed appropriate. If not, the Class Teacher should be approached, and they will try to resolve the problem. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be found, then Stage Two of the procedure will formally come into operation.
- Stage Two
If informal discussions of a complaint or problem have not produced a satisfactory resolution, parents/guardians should put their complaint to the School Head or Deputy School Head. This can be verbally or in written form.
The school will be happy to arrange a meeting at a mutually convenient time. Details will be entered in our confidential complaints record, including source of complaint, nature of complaint, how it was dealt with and actions and outcome. This record will be shared with parents.
The matter will be fully investigated within 15 working days. If there is any delay the school will advise the parent/guardians of this and offer an explanation.
The School Head will be responsible for sending them a full and formal response to the complaint.
The formal response to the complaint from the School will be sent to the parent/guardian concerned and copied to all relevant members of staff if appropriate. The response will include recommendations for dealing with the complaint and for any amendments to the School policies or procedures emerging from the investigation, to ensure the type of complain is eradicated or at least reduced to the barest minimum.
- Stage Three
If the parent/guardian remains dissatisfied after Stage 2, the parent can escalate the issue to the Parent-Teacher Council, who will help investigate the matter objectively, and proffer a solution that benefits the parent and the school community.
NB: We would like to appeal to all our parents to refrain from bringing in the Police Force to arrest anybody one the school premises. Dialogue always supersedes war! The Pen is mightier than the sword.
Policy Written Date – September 2018
Policy Revision Date – September 2028
Policy Written by – Lara Orike Reviewed By – Kerry Ogedegbe
Parent Teacher Council Policy
The Kerridale Preparatory Parents’ Teachers’ Council is an initiative set up to encourage parent involvement and active participation in the school. It is built to provide the parents with an avenue to express their views on ways to improve the standard and quality of the school; and to also work in partnership with the school to implement these standards.
This policy outlines the constitution, purpose and procedures of the Council and the term ‘parents’ should always be taken to refer to both parents and guardians.
Overview of Structure
- All parents and guardians with a child/children at Kerridale are automatically members of the Parents form.
- The Parent Teacher Council is made up of elected members of the Parents forum.
- The setup of the Parent Teacher Council will be made up of a representative from each class; Early Bloomers to Year 6
- The Parent Teacher Council would have a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Event organiser and Treasurer elected from within its membership.
- The Head Teacher is an advisor to the Parent Teacher Council but is not a member.
- Objectives: The objectives of the Parent Teacher Council are:
- To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents and guardians.
- To promote a partnership between the school, its pupils and all its parents and guardians.
- To identify and represent the views of parents/guardians on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils.
- To assist in fundraising when needed.
- To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils.
- Membership:
- Membership of the Parent Teacher Council should be a minimum of 4 and maximum of 10 members which must be Kerridale parents (and up to 2 co-opted members).
- The co-opt members are to assist with the carrying out of its functions. Co-opt members may only include teaching and support staff of Kerridale Preparatory school.
- Parents’ eligibility to become a member of the Parent Teacher Council shall cease at the end of the session during which their last child leaves the school.
- The election of Council members will hold yearly, in the 2nd term of every academic year.
- Office bearers:
- The Chairperson, Vice-chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall be the office bearers of the Parent Teacher Council.
- Office bearers will be selected by the Parent Teacher Council on an annual basis (every 2nd term), following the council election and there is no bar on seeking re-election.
- If any of the bearers ceases to be a member of the Parent Teacher Council before the end of their term of office, their role will be rotated around other members of the Parent Teacher Council until the bearer’s role is appointed at the annual meeting.
- Running of the Parent Council:
- All Parent Teacher Council members are expected to make a reasonable commitment to the work involved in parent council.
- All council members are responsible for ensuring that the entire parent forum is given the opportunity to be included in Parent Teacher Council meetings and activities.
- It is understandable that not all members can attend every meeting due to personal and work commitments and this should not disbar them from membership nor from the roles of office bearer.
- Although if a member fails to attend three consecutive meetings without reason/apologies they will be deemed to have retired and officially removed from the Parent Teacher Council.
- Meetings:
- Parent Forum Meeting: The Annual Meeting of the Parent Forum will hold once each school year. A notice of the meeting including date, time, and place will be sent to all members of the Parent Forum at least two weeks in advance. The meeting will include:
- A report on the work of the Parent Teacher Council and its member(s)
- Selection of the new Parent Teacher Council
- Discussion of issues that members of the Parent Forum may wish to raise.
- Parent Teacher Council Meeting: The Parent Teacher Council will meet at least once every school term and this meeting would be for Council members only.
- Any four members of the Parent Teacher Council can request that an additional meeting be held, and all members of the Parent Teacher Council will be given at least one week’s notice of date, time and place of the meeting.
- If a Parent Teacher Council member acts in a way that is considered by other members to undermine the objectives of the Parent Teacher Council, their membership of the Parent Teacher Council shall be terminated if the majority of Parent Forum members agree. Termination of membership would be confirmed in writing to the member.
- Copies of the minutes of all meetings will be available to all members of the Parent Forum and to all teachers at the school.
- Special General Meeting: If 10 members of the Parent Forum request a special general meeting to discuss issues falling within the parent council’s remit, the Parent Teacher Council shall arrange this. The Parent Teacher Council shall give all members of the Forum at least two weeks’ notice of the meeting and, at the same time, circulate notice of the matter, or matters, to be discussed at the meeting.
- Finance and Communication: Any financial matters will be managed by the Treasurer and scrutinized by the Head Teacher. The Parent Teacher Council shall be responsible for ensuring that all monies are used in accordance with the objectives of the Parent Teacher Council.
A WhatsApp group and email address will be set up for the Parent Teacher Council which would be used for communication purposes only between Parent Teacher Council and Parent Forum members.
- Changes to the Constitution: The Parent Teacher Council may change its constitution after obtaining consent from members of the Parent Forum. Members of the Parent Forum will be sent a copy of any proposed amendment and given reasonable time to respond to the proposal.
- Dissolution of the Council: Should the Parent Teacher Council cease to exist, any remaining funds will be passed to Kerridale Preparatory School to be used for the benefit of the school where this continues.
School Attendance Policy
At Kerridale Preparatory School we recognise the importance of high levels of attendance ensuring our children have the opportunity to achieve their true potential.
We aim to work effectively with parents/guardians to promote good consistent attendance.
School Days
School days are Mondays – Fridays; 7:45AM – 1:30PM (Nursery) & 2:30PM (Primary), except on public holiday or school holidays.
Attendance Register is a vital tool in enabling us to assess poor attendance and absence patterns.
There is a strong statistical link between attendance and achievement; therefore, the school will not support a child who is perpetually late or absent from school without good reason.
The responsibility for ensuring that children attend school regularly and punctually rests with parents. This fact must be emphasised and acknowledged
No holidays will be authorised by the school in term time.
Morning Drop Off
- All children in KPS are expected to arrive at school no earlier than 6.30am, and we are not able to assure parents, staff would be in before 6:30am.
- Children are considered late after 8.00am; The school gate is locked at 8:05am, children coming after the gate is shut, can only be let in by the Head of School – Academics, or a staff delegating in that capacity.
- There will be a teacher and minder on duty to receive the children at the gate.
Afternoon Pick Up
- Our school is dismissed at 1.30pm daily and 2.30pm, children primary children participating in After School Clubs close by 3:30PM.
- Children must be picked up no later than 4:00pm except if registered for after school care.
- KPS parents are expected to wait in the waiting area to pick up their child (ren). Parents are not allowed to go into the classroom except when an appointment has been made.
- Siblings or other family members picking up any child are also expected to wait in the waiting area to pick up the child(ren). They are not allowed to go into the classroom.
- All KPS children who are not picked up by 4:00 pm will be charged a late pick fee.
Pupil Withdrawal
Kerridale Prep School has the right to ask a parent to withdraw if after much consultation on improving attendance and punctuality is fruitless; as such there will be no refund on already paid fees.
School Fees & Collection Policy
- School fees are determined by the school management every 2 years.
- Pupils Fee Break down is issued at the end of every session, reflecting payment details for the new session.
- Learning Resource for the upcoming year fees is due yearly on the 30th of June.
- School fees are payable at least 1 week before the new session/term begins and an electronic receipt or paper receipt must be given to the finance unit for reconciliation.
- School fees not paid before the session began will be requested for 2 weeks after resumption.
- School fees still not paid 2 weeks after resumption will be requested for 1 week before Mid Term Assessments.
- Children’s fees not paid by the term’s Mid Term assessment, will not be allowed access into the school premises, thereby missing their mid term test, and would not be given the opportunity to take the test even when the fee is paid.
- Contact details of parents who withdraw their children without paying all fees, will be forward to a debt recovery agent to recover the debt through whatever means they deem fit.
- Parents needing extra time to pay fees must be permitted by the Head of School only, if agreed upon; KPS School Fees Payment Request Form must be completed and submitted to the finance unit.
- Learning resource fee not collected by the due date attracts a 20% penalty payment.
The signatories below hereby undertake to:
- Acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms and conditions contained herein, and that they bind themselves to the collection procedure outlined.
- Acknowledge that they are liable for the payment of school fees as determined.
- Confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, they are able to pay the school fees, and will undertake to do so, and that they will inform the school immediately should this situation change.
- Inform the school’s finance unit of any changes of address immediately.
- Acknowledge that the information provided by them regarding residential addresses are true as they appear below:
Pupil Name _____________________________________________________
Pupil Name _____________________________________________________
Pupil Name _____________________________________________________
Family Full Address: __________________________________________________
Parent/guardian 1 : _________________________ Date: ___/___/___
Parent/guardian 2: ___________________________ Date:___/___/___
Sex Education Policy
This policy is a working document, which provides guidance and information on aspects of Sex Education in Kerridale Preparatory School.
Effective SE can make significant contribution to the development of the personal skills needed by pupils, if they are to establish and maintain relationships. It also enables young people to make responsible and informed decisions about their health and well-being.
General Principles
The SE programme at KPS reflects the school ethos, demonstrates and encourages the following values:
- Respect for self;
- Respect for others;
- Responsibility for their own actions;
- Responsibility for their family, friends, schools and wider community.
Key Stage 1
- Pupils learn to recognise similarities and differences between themselves and others.
- Identify and share their feelings with each other.
- Recognise safe and unsafe situations and can identify and be able to talk to someone they trust.
- Pupils to learn parts of the body that are private and why.
Key Stage 2
- Pupils learn to express their opinions about relationships and to listen to and support others, including respecting other people’s viewpoints and beliefs.
- Life processes are discussed including the physical changes that take place at puberty, why they happen and how to manage them.
- Pupils learn parts of the body that are private and why.
Procedure for Sex Education Talk
- The SE talk should is done with pupils twice every term- 1st Assembly of resumption and 1st assembly after half term break
- Assembly on the days for SE talk should only hold for 15mins.
- Talk would is held by PSHE teacher and assisted by 3 teachers picked by management.
- Talk should hold for only 20 minutes.
- Pupils should are separated into four different groups: Keystage 1 (boys and girls) and Keystage 2 (boys and girls).
Policy Written Date – December 2019
Policy Revision Date – December 2020
Policy Written by – Lara Orike Reviewed By – Kerry Ogedegbe
Social Media Policy
Policy brief & purpose
This social media policy document provides a framework for using social media. Kerridale Preparatory School, in keeping with international standards, recognises and uses social media as a tool to connect with others, share educational resources, create educational content, enhance the classroom experience, and network within and outside of the school community.
However, the school is aware of the potential risks that social media could pose and therefore it is necessary to set parameters to ensure privacy and professionalism. This policy provides practical advice to avoid issues that might arise by inappropriate use of social media by parents and other stake holders.
This policy applies to all parents and guardians within the school community.
- Permission to Publish: All parents must fill a form giving or refusing consent for their children’s images to be used/not used for promotional purposes on social media. They must also give or refuse consent for their children to use social media for educational purposes, when necessary.
- Personal Social Media Use: Kerridale Preparatory School recognises the fact that parents and guardians may have personal social media accounts; however, parents and guardians are advised to:
- Refrain from posting photos, videos, school content or comments that include other children at the school.
- Refrain from accessing social media while helping at school or on school visits.
- Raise queries, concerns and complaints directly with the school rather than posting them on social media – whether on their own pages, in closed groups (e.g. groups set up for school parents to communicate with each other) or on the school’s pages.
- Refrain from posting anything malicious about the school or any member of the school community.
1.3 Social Media Use for children:
At Kerridale Preparatory School, children are typically required to:
- Not join any social networking sites as they are below the permitted age (13 for most sites including Facebook and Instagram).
- Inform their parents when they are online.
- Be aware how to report abuse and inappropriate content.
- Use only child appropriate search engines and practice internet safety rules.
Parents who breach this policy may be asked to withdraw their child from the school in cases which adversely reflect on Kerridale Preparatory School.
1.4 Cyberbullying: Kerridale Preparatory School requires that parents and guardians remind children about the rules of cyber safety using the S.A.F.E. rule:
S – Share personal information about yourself with family members and friends only.
A – Ask an adult if something makes you feel uncomfortable on the internet.
F – Do not meet anyone that you met online face to face except with consent from your parents.
E – Practice good etiquette on the internet; be polite and report any rude person.
Parents and guardians are also required to encourage children to report cases of cyberbullying in the event of internet use for educational and recreational purposes. Cyberbullying may include, but is not limited to:
- Incessant prank calls
- Mean text or instant messaging
- Sending sexually explicit content
Policy Written Date – September 2018
Policy Revision Date – September 2028
Policy Written by – Lara Orike Reviewed By – Kerry Ogedegbe
Values Policy
A Brief History
Working in partnership with Value Based Education (VbE) – UK, in 2016 KPS changed how it looked at values, and how it is enforced daily in our school life. This brought about a total re-vamp of our values towards establishing Value Based Education (VbE). The whole school community (parents & staff) came together in a workshop, we selected 22 positive values that we cared about and would like our children to imbibe as they grow up. These 22 positive universal values are introduced over a 2-year period through morning assemblies, class activities, school events, teacher instructions, playground activities and sports. Children are encouraged to exhibit these positive values in their daily lives.
It is our belief that a child from our Reception Class (4 – 5 Years Old), having progressed through our primary classes to Year 6, would have encountered these values three times, and would have had an entire month’s understanding of each value in action and what it means.
- Imbibing these values over a six/ seven-year period should will help our children;
- Be thoughtful and reflective with their, words, actions and thoughts.
- Be responsible to self, others and the environment.
- Be strengthened with their sense of belonging
- Be encouraged to do their best while providing a moral framework to guide them.
- Be sensitive to the impact of their decisions and how it affects others and their environment.
- Be empathic towards the plight of others and always do their best to help in whatever situation they may find themselves
- The Value for the Month is displayed.
- An animal depicts the value for the month.
- A slogan is associated with the value.
- Three statements portray the value in action.
- Two quotes further buttress the value.
Teaching Our Values
Lead by the Values’ Ambassador, all teachers are guided on what to teach and activities to embark on for each value. KPS values are reinforced throughout the school day, from school assemblies, in the playground, in class, etc. As early years’ children read a book about collaboration – Farmer Duck; they might discuss how important it is to work as a team. As Key Stage 1 children read a book about honesty – The boy who cried wolf; they might discuss the importance of telling the truth! While at Key Stage Two a discussion on courage might ensue when studying the Diary of Anne Frank; or children could embark on an exercise in excellence by assessing each other’s work – Peer Assessment.
Visible Values
Our Values are visible around the school, from the classroom to the playground; every class has a values board displaying the value for the month, and group activity carried out in the class in learning the value.
At assembly, the Values’ Ambassador reminds the whole school about the value for the month through presentation, video clip, a demonstration, etc. If applicable, the Value Song for the Month will be sang at assembly.
House points are given to children that uphold our values in their daily dealings with their peers.
World Values Day
Yearly, 17 October is marked as World Values Day, there is usually a global theme and activities the children participate in, this is anchored by the Values’ Ambassador.
Living KPS Values
Values games, quizzes, competitions, etc are used to get our children, staff and parents to live and model our values.